Tax return guide for self-employed taxi drivers

Something that’ll never be a highlight of self-employment  is completing your annual self-assessment tax return. It can be a real chore and really rather daunting if you’re new to it. That’s why the helpful team at Taxi Insurer have put together this guide to help you with this tricky task.

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Heart health tips for taxi drivers

Everyone knows how vital it is that we take care of our hearts. But for professional taxi drivers this can be even more important. After all, it’s not just your life at stake but also your passengers and other road users, too.

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Best new cars for taxi fleets in 2021

In this guide to the best new cars to buy for your taxi fleet in 2021, we’ll cover everything you need to consider to narrow your search – from top recommendations for vehicles well suited to taxi work to where to find the right taxi fleet insurance cover.

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Basic first aid for taxi drivers

From road accidents to stroke victims, every year thousands of people die or are seriously injured on the UK’s roads. Many of these victims could have been saved if basic first aid was given before emergency services arrived. Being prepared to help save a life could make a world of difference to a victim and their family.

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School minibus safety checks and tips for carrying children

In this article, we’ll provide some advice on what you should do before children climb aboard the minibus including whether additional driver training is suggested and what you should do in the event of a breakdown.

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How to make conversations with passengers

We understand not everyone is a big talker, but as a taxi driver a key part of your job is meeting new people and making them feel comfortable in your cab. Whether or not you’re a larger-than-life character who always has something to say, making great small talk can be a serious business. But if done right, it can be a lot of fun, too.

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